
This is a demonstration for the use of the pplacer suite of programs. It covers the use of placement, visualization, classification, and comparison. If you are looking at this file in a web browser after processing with shocco, the left column will describe what is going on in the right column.

It is assumed that java is available and that you have installed pplacer and guppy. See the README for details.

Download tutorial files:

#!/bin/bash -eu

Getting set up (for this demo)

We start with a couple of little functions to make this script run smoothly. You can safely ignore them.

We have a little script function aptx to run archaeopteryx from within this script (you can also open them directly from the archaeopteryx user interface if you prefer).

aptx() {
    java -jar bin/forester.jar -c bin/_aptx_configuration_file $1

A little pause function to pause between steps.

pause() {
  echo "Please press return to continue..."

Make sure that guppy can be found.

which guppy > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
  echo "Couldn't find guppy. \
There is a download script in the bin directory for you to use."
  exit 1

Echo the commands to the terminal.

set -o verbose

Phylogenetic placement

This makes p4z1r2.jplace, which is a "place" file in JSON format. Place files contain information about collections of phylogenetic placements on a tree. You may notice that one of the arguments to this command is vaginal_16s.refpkg, which is a "reference package". Reference packages are simply an organized collection of files including a reference tree, reference alignment, and taxonomic information. We have the beginnings of a database of reference packages and some software for putting them together.

pplacer -c vaginal_16s.refpkg src/p4z1r36.fasta

Grand Unified Phylogenetic Placement Yanalyzer (guppy)

guppy is our Swiss army knife for phylogenetic placements. It has a lot of different subcommands, which you can learn about with online help by invoking the --cmds option.

guppy --cmds

These subcommands are used by writing out the name of the subcommand like

guppy SUBCOMMAND [options] [files]

For example, we can get help for the fat subcommand.

guppy fat --help


Now run guppy fat to make a phyloXML "fat tree" visualization, and run archaeopteryx to look at it. Note that fat can be run without the reference package specification, e.g.:

guppy fat p4z1r36.jplace

but in that case there won't be any taxonomic information in the visualizations. Here is an online version.

guppy fat -c vaginal_16s.refpkg p4z1r36.jplace
aptx p4z1r36.xml &

Statistical comparison

kr is the command to calculate things using the Kantorovich-Rubinstein (KR) metric which is a generalization of UniFrac. It simply takes in JSON placement files and spits the matrix of distances between the corresponding samples.

guppy kr src/*.jplace

The KR metric can be thought of as the amount of work it takes to move the distribution of reads from one collection of samples to another along the edges of the tree. This can be visualized by thickening the branches of the tree in proportion to the number of reads transported along that branch. To get such a visualization, we use guppy's kr_heat subcommand. The reference package is included again to add in taxonomic annotation. Red indicates movement towards the root and blue away from the root. Here is a version which compares all of the vaginosis-positive samples with the negative ones.

guppy kr_heat -c vaginal_16s.refpkg/ src/p1z1r2.jplace src/p1z1r34.jplace
aptx p1z1r2.p1z1r34.heat.xml &

Phylogenetic placement data has a special structure, and we have developed variants of classical ordination and clustering techniques, called "edge principal components analysis" and "squash clustering" which leverage this special structure. You can read more about these methods in our paper.

Edge principal components analysis

With edge principal components analysis (edge PCA), it is possible to visualize the principal component axes, and find differences between samples which may only differ in terms of read distributions on closely related taxa. guppy pca creates a tree file (here pca_out.xml) which shows the principal component axes projected onto the tree. Here are the first five principal component axes for the full data set.

guppy pca --prefix pca_out -c vaginal_16s.refpkg src/*.jplace
aptx pca_out.xml &

The pca_out.trans file has the samples projected onto principal coordinate axes. Here is the corresponding figure for the full data set.

cat pca_out.trans

Squash clustering

guppy can also do "squash clustering". Squash clustering is a type of hierarchical clustering that is designed for use with phylogenetic placements. In short, where UPGMA considers the average of distances between samples, squash clustering considers the distances between averages of samples. One nice thing about squash clustering is that you can see what the internal nodes of the clustering tree signify. The clustering is done with the squash subcommand, which makes a directory containing cluster.tre, which is the clustering tree, and then a subdirectory mass_trees which contain all of the mass averages for the internal nodes of the tree.

rm -rf squash_out; mkdir squash_out
guppy squash -c vaginal_16s.refpkg --out-dir squash_out src/*.jplace
aptx squash_out/cluster.tre &

We can look at 6.phy.fat.xml: the mass distribution for the internal node number 6 in the clustering tree. Here is an online version.

aptx squash_out/mass_trees/6.phy.fat.xml &


Next we run guppy's classify subcommand to classify the reads. The columns are as follows: read name, attempted rank for classification, actual rank for classification, taxonomic identifier, and confidence. We use head here just to get the first 30 lines so that you can look at them.

guppy classify --mrca-class -c vaginal_16s.refpkg p4z1r36.jplace | head -n 30

We can quickly explore the classification results via SQL by importing them into a SQLite3 database. We exit if SQLite3 is not available, and clean up in case the script is getting run for the second time.

which sqlite3 > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
  echo "No sqlite3, so stopping here."
  exit 0
rm -f example.db

Create a table containing the taxonomic names.

rppr prep_db -c vaginal_16s.refpkg --sqlite example.db

Explore the taxonomic table itself, without reference to placements.

sqlite3 -header -column example.db "SELECT tax_name FROM taxa WHERE rank = 'phylum'"

guppy classify can build SQLite databases for easy and fast access to results.

guppy classify --mrca-class --sqlite example.db -c vaginal_16s.refpkg src/*.jplace

Now we can investigate placement classifications using SQL queries. Here we ask for the lineage of a specific sequence.

sqlite3 -header example.db "
SELECT pc.rank,
FROM   placement_names AS pn
       JOIN placement_classifications AS pc USING (placement_id)
       JOIN taxa USING (tax_id)
       JOIN ranks USING (rank)
WHERE  pc.rank = desired_rank
       AND pn.name = 'FUM0LCO01DX37Q'
ORDER  BY rank_order

Here is another example, with somewhat less confidence in the species-level classification result.

sqlite3 -header example.db "
SELECT pc.rank,
FROM   placement_names AS pn
       JOIN placement_classifications AS pc USING (placement_id)
       JOIN taxa USING (tax_id)
       JOIN ranks USING (rank)
WHERE  pc.rank = desired_rank
       AND pn.name = 'FUM0LCO01A2HOA'
ORDER  BY rank_order

That's it for the demo. For further information, please consult the pplacer documentation.

echo "Thanks!"