Changes for seqmagick ===================== 0.8.0 ----- * Supports Python 3.5+ * Drops support for Python 3.4 * Fix issue: "seqmagick with no params gives KeyError:None" [GH-77] * Fix for Biopython 1.71 dual coding support [GH-76]; also fixes issue: "Translation error with new BioPython" [GH-79] * Send logging to stderr, not stdout [GH-75] 0.7.0 ----- * Supports Python 3.4+ * Drops support for python 2.7 * requires biopython >= 1.70 * Drops support for bz2 compression [see GH-66] * New option ``convert --sample-seed`` to make ``--sample`` deterministic. 0.6.2 ----- * New ``quality-filter --pct-ambiguous`` switch [GH-53] * enforces biopython>=1.58,<=1.66 (1.67 is not compatible) [GH-59] * This is the last release that will support Python 2! 0.6.1 ----- * Allow string wrapping when input isn't FASTA. [GH-45] * Fix ``--pattern-include``, ``--pattern-exclude``, and ``--pattern-replace`` for sequences without descriptions (e.g., from NEXUS files). [GH-47] * Fix mogrify example. [GH-52] 0.6.0 ----- * Map ``.nex`` extension to NEXUS-format (--alphabet must be specified if writing) * Use reservoir sampling in ``--sample`` selector (lower memory use) * Support specifying negative indices to ``--cut`` [GH-33] * Optionally allow invalid codons in ``backtrans-align`` [GH-34] * Map ``.fq`` extension to FASTQ format * Optional multithreaded I/O in ``info`` [GH-36] * Print sequence name on length mismatch in ``backtrans-align`` [GH-37] * Support for ``+`` and ``-`` in head and tail to mimick Linux head and tail commands. * Fix scoring for mixed-case sequences in ``primer-trim``. * Fix bug in ``primer-trim`` - failed when sequence had multiple 5' gaps compared to the primer. * Clarify documentation and fix bug in convert/mogrify ``--pattern-replace`` [GH-39] * Support for gzip files in ``seqmagick convert --sort`` 0.5.0 ----- * Change ``seqmagick extract-ids --source-format`` to ``--input-format`` to match other commands (GH-29) * Support gzip- and bzip2-compressed inputs and outputs for most commands (GH-30) * Change default input format for ``sff`` to ``sff-trim``, which respects the clipping locations embedded in each sequence record. * Add ``--details-out`` option to ``seqmagick quality-filter``, which writes details on each read processed. * Match barcode/primer ``seqmagick quality-filter`` against a trie; allows per-specimen barcodes. * Remove ``--failure-out`` option from ``seqmagick quality-filter``. See ``--details-out`` * Raise an error if number of codons does not match number of amino acids in ``seqmagick backtrans-align`` * Add ``--sample`` subcommand (GH-31) 0.4.0 ----- * Fix bug in ``--squeeze`` * More informative messages in ``seqmagick primer-trim`` * Added ``--alphabet`` flag to allow writing NEXUS (GH-23) * Exiting without error on SIGPIPE in extract-ids, info (GH-17) * Ambiguities are translated as 'X' in --translate (GH-16) * Allowing '.' or '-' as gap character (GH-18) * ``--name-prefix`` and ``--name-suffix`` no longer create a mangled description (GH-19) * Files owned by another user can be mogrified, as long as they are group writeable (GH-14) * Add ``backtrans-align`` subcommand, which maps unaligned nucleotides onto a protein alignment (GH-20) * Allow FASTQ as input to quality-filter * Significantly expand functionality of quality-filter: identify and trim barcodes/primers; report detailed failure information. * Cleanup, additional tests * Add ``--drop`` filter to convert and mogrify (GH-24) * Apply current umask when creating files (GH-26) * Support stdin in ``seqmagick info`` (GH-27) * Support translating ambiguous nucleotides, if codon translation is unambiguous 0.3.1 ----- * Fix bug in ``quality-filter`` MinLengthFilter * Case consistency in seqmagick 0.3.0 ----- * Internal reorganization - transformations are converted to partial functions, then applied. * Argument order now affects order of tranformation application. * Change default output format to 'align' for TTYs in seqmagick info * Add BioPython as dependency (closes GH-7) * Add ``primer-trim`` subcommand * Add option to apply custom function(s) to sequences * Add new filtering options: ``--squeeze-threshold``, ``--min-ungapped-length`` ``--include-from-file`` ``--exclude-from-file`` * Removed seqmagick muscle * Added new subcommand ``quality-filter`` * Added new subcommand ``extract-ids`` (closes GH-13) * Allow use of '-' to indicate stdin / stdout (closes GH-11) * Add mapping from .phyx to ``phylip-relaxed`` (targeted for BioPython 1.58) 0.2.0 ----- * Refactoring * Added hyphenation to multi-word command line options (e.g. ``--deduplicatetaxa`` -> ``--deduplicate-taxa``) * Add support for ``.needle``, ``.sff`` formats * Close GH-4 0.1.0 ----- Initial release