and mogrify
Convert and mogrify achieve similar goals. convert
performs some operation
on a file (from changing format to something more complicated) and writes to a
new file. mogrify
modifies a file in place, and would not normally be used
to convert formats.
The two have similar signatures:
seqmagick convert [options] infile outfile
seqmagick mogrify [options] infile
Options are shared between convert and mogrify.
Basic Conversion¶
can be used to convert between any file types BioPython supports
(which is many). For a full list of supported types, see the BioPython SeqIO
wiki page.
By default, file type is inferred from file extension, so:
seqmagick convert a.fasta a.sto
converts an existing file a.fasta
from FASTA to Stockholm format. Neat!
But there’s more.
Sequence Modification¶
A wealth of options await you when you’re ready to do something slightly more complicated with your sequences.
Let’s say I just want a few of my sequences:
$ seqmagick convert --head 5 examples/test.fasta examples/test.head.fasta
$ seqmagick info examples/test*.fasta
name alignment min_len max_len avg_len num_seqs
examples/test.fasta FALSE 972 9719 1573.67 15
examples/test.head.fasta FALSE 978 990 984.00 5
Or I want to remove any gaps, reverse complement, select the last 5 sequences, and remove any duplicates from an alignment in place:
seqmagick mogrify --tail 5 --reverse-complement --ungap --deduplicate-sequences examples/test.fasta
You can even define your own functions in python and use them via
To maximize flexibility, most transformations passed as options to
and convert
are processed in order, so:
seqmagick convert --min-length 50 --cut 1:5 a.fasta b.fasta
will work fine, but:
seqmagick convert --cut 1:5 --min-length 50 a.fasta b.fasta
will never return records, since the cutting transformation happens before the minimum length predicate is applied.
Command-line Arguments¶
usage: seqmagick convert [-h] [--line-wrap N]
[--sort {length-asc,length-desc,name-asc,name-desc}]
[--apply-function /path/to/[:parameter]]
[--cut start:end[,start2:end2]] [--relative-to ID]
[--drop start:end[,start2:end2]] [--dash-gap]
[--lower] [--mask start1:end1[,start2:end2]]
[--reverse] [--reverse-complement] [--squeeze]
[--squeeze-threshold PROP]
[--transcribe {dna2rna,rna2dna}]
[--translate {dna2protein,rna2protein,dna2proteinstop,rna2proteinstop}]
[--ungap] [--upper] [--deduplicate-sequences]
[--deduplicated-sequences-file FILE]
[--deduplicate-taxa] [--exclude-from-file FILE]
[--include-from-file FILE] [--head N]
[--max-length N] [--min-length N]
[--min-ungapped-length N] [--pattern-include REGEX]
[--pattern-exclude REGEX] [--prune-empty]
[--sample N] [--sample-seed N]
[--seq-pattern-include REGEX]
[--seq-pattern-exclude REGEX] [--tail N]
[--first-name] [--name-suffix SUFFIX]
[--name-prefix PREFIX]
[--pattern-replace search_pattern replace_pattern]
[--strip-range] [--input-format FORMAT]
[--output-format FORMAT]
[--alphabet {dna,dna-ambiguous,rna,rna-ambiguous,protein}]
source_file dest_file
Convert between sequence formats
positional arguments:
source_file Input sequence file
dest_file Output file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--alphabet {dna,dna-ambiguous,rna,rna-ambiguous,protein}
Input alphabet. Required for writing NEXUS.
Sequence File Modification:
--line-wrap N Adjust line wrap for sequence strings. When N is 0,
all line breaks are removed. Only fasta files are
supported for the output format.
--sort {length-asc,length-desc,name-asc,name-desc}
Perform sorting by length or name, ascending or
descending. ASCII sorting is performed for names
Sequence Modificaton:
--apply-function /path/to/[:parameter]
Specify a custom function to apply to the input
sequences, specified as
/path/to/ Function should accept
an iterable of Bio.SeqRecord objects, and yield
SeqRecords. If the parameter is specified, it will be
passed as a string as the second argument to the
function. Specify more than one to chain.
--cut start:end[,start2:end2]
Keep only the residues within the 1-indexed start and
end positions specified, : separated. Includes last
item. Start or end can be left unspecified to indicate
start/end of sequence. A negative start may be
provided to indicate an offset from the end of the
sequence. Note that to prevent negative numbers being
interpreted as flags, this should be written with an
equals sign between `--cut` and the argument, e.g.:
--relative-to ID Apply --cut relative to the indexes of non-gap
residues in sequence identified by ID
--drop start:end[,start2:end2]
Remove the residues at the specified indices. Same
format as `--cut`.
--dash-gap Replace any of the characters "?.:~" with a "-" for
all sequences
--lower Translate the sequences to lower case
--mask start1:end1[,start2:end2]
Replace residues in 1-indexed slice with gap-
characters. If --relative-to is also specified,
coordinates are relative to the sequence ID provided.
--reverse Reverse the order of sites in sequences
--reverse-complement Convert sequences into reverse complements
--squeeze Remove any gaps that are present in the same position
across all sequences in an alignment (equivalent to
--squeeze-threshold PROP
Trim columns from an alignment which have gaps in
least the specified proportion of sequences.
--transcribe {dna2rna,rna2dna}
Transcription and back transcription for generic DNA
and RNA. Source sequences must be the correct alphabet
or this action will likely produce incorrect results.
--translate {dna2protein,rna2protein,dna2proteinstop,rna2proteinstop}
Translate from generic DNA/RNA to proteins. Options
with "stop" suffix will NOT translate through stop
codons . Source sequences must be the correct alphabet
or this action will likely produce incorrect results.
--ungap Remove gaps in the sequence alignment
--upper Translate the sequences to upper case
Record Selection:
Remove any duplicate sequences by sequence content,
keep the first instance seen
--deduplicated-sequences-file FILE
Write all of the deduplicated sequences to a file
--deduplicate-taxa Remove any duplicate sequences by ID, keep the first
instance seen
--exclude-from-file FILE
Filter sequences, removing those sequence IDs in the
specified file
--include-from-file FILE
Filter sequences, keeping only those sequence IDs in
the specified file
--head N Trim down to top N sequences. With the leading `-',
print all but the last N sequences.
--max-length N Discard any sequences beyond the specified maximum
length. This operation occurs *before* all length-
changing options such as cut and squeeze.
--min-length N Discard any sequences less than the specified minimum
length. This operation occurs *before* cut and
--min-ungapped-length N
Discard any sequences less than the specified minimum
length, excluding gaps. This operation occurs *before*
cut and squeeze.
--pattern-include REGEX
Filter the sequences by regular expression in ID or
--pattern-exclude REGEX
Filter the sequences by regular expression in ID or
--prune-empty Prune sequences containing only gaps ('-')
--sample N Select a random sampling of sequences
--sample-seed N Set random seed for sampling of sequences
--seq-pattern-include REGEX
Filter the sequences by regular expression in sequence
--seq-pattern-exclude REGEX
Filter the sequences by regular expression in sequence
--tail N Trim down to bottom N sequences. Use +N to output
sequences starting with the Nth.
Sequence ID Modification:
--first-name Take only the first whitespace-delimited word as the
name of the sequence
--name-suffix SUFFIX Append a suffix to all IDs.
--name-prefix PREFIX Insert a prefix for all IDs.
--pattern-replace search_pattern replace_pattern
Replace regex pattern "search_pattern" with
"replace_pattern" in sequence ID and description
--strip-range Strip ranges from sequences IDs, matching </x-y>
Format Options:
--input-format FORMAT
Input file format (default: determine from extension)
--output-format FORMAT
Output file format (default: determine from extension)
Filters using regular expressions are case-sensitive by default. Append "(?i)"
to a pattern to make it case-insensitive.